Wednesday, August 24, 2005

High Fructose corn syrup

Mood: good
Weather: cool and sunny

I'm blogging about food - be warned.

Two or three months ago Lars decided to cut out high fructose corn syrup based on something a nutritionist friend talked about. So soda was the first to go and I more or less joined in on the kick. Over the last few months we have checked a few items and purchased a few different brands but we never went hard core. Yesterday was our big grocery shopping for the month and I'm not joking, we actually read every label. The most surprising food item containing high fructose corn syrup - BREADCRUMBS!!! I knew about ketchup, I figured that salad dressing might cause an issue (only Newman's doesn't have it) but I never ever thought breadcrumbs would have it. The stuff is in just about everything but our house is now fairly high fructuous free~

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