Monday, December 11, 2006

Weekend Review

Blogger was being odd last week and not posting the posts I mail in from my e-mail. Sorry about the interruptions... Friday just flew by, I got a bunch of work done and got home to get packing for the weekend. I’m a little rusty with packing for 2 after more then a month off. Lars completely forgot the method and was distracted by work all day so we didn’t get out the door until 6. We picked up Josh and got to the hotel no problem and although the name, La Quineta, made be leary for the hotel quality is was a very nice mainstream hotel. It didn’t have a Spanish or Mexican theme at all and the only oddity about it was strange layout in the bathroom but for $45 a night (priceline) it was perfect. Saturday morning we had to get to the event by 9 for a tournament so I rousted the guys at 6:45 and we had our complimentary breakfast and were on the road by 7:30 and we made it in plenty of time for them to sign up. Lars had a great time fighting and won the tournament and I had a very nice time socializing and flitting around. I think being staff for the princess is in many ways better then being princess; I could change in the royalty room, I knew the happenings of the day early, and I didn’t have to be the one followed, fussed after, or in charge of any decisions J Lars and I will definitely fight crown again but it is fun not being top too. We got home about 2am and it was a relatively easy drive. It was great to have a third driver with us since each of us only drove 2 hours and we broke it up well; I don’t mind the annoying back roads that you have to watch out when the road turns 90 degrees in the middle of a tiny town and that you need to slow down to 25mph and you might get stuck behind a tractor. I’m at least more patient with it then Lars so I did that bit while he slept a bit. Josh took the first highway section so he basically cruised, and Lars took the late shift from midnight to 2 and since he had a decent nap it all worked out. It is a pain to leave after an event and drive all the way home but it is very nice to wake up at home with a good day ahead.

Sunday I talked to G2 and Seti way too many times because they were bored driving home and I buckled down at 1 to get my final done. At 6:30 I had all but my final two essays done and I think I did well since I looked up every single answer. It is a longer test then the midterm but I think overall it is slightly easier. I plan on doing the last two essays today and it is due tonight at 8pm. As a reward and to let my brain decompress we went out with Tim to see a movie. We saw Daejavo and it was a decent story and had good suspense and enough of a cool ending to make it worth it. We went out for dessert after and got home just in time to go to bed. I did not get the Christmas tree decorated or the presents wrapped but hopefully tonight that will be done. I need to call both my sisters tonight and say happy birthday; it is my younger sisters 23rd birthday and my other sister’s sons 1st birthday and since 1 year olds are not known for their conversation skills I’m sure it will really be a conversation with my sister. If all goes well, I hope to also squeeze in some exercise and I have my regular 6pm conference call so it will be a full evening.

The rest of the week is fairly normal looking. Class will be short since we are just reviewing the final and then we can go. I hope to do Christmas cards and finish mailing everything this week sometime and there is a pile of projects that I should get around to soon. Next Monday is my birthday and I have no plans. As always it is in the middle of a busy month and I think Lars and I will just go for sushi. Wow, this is a long post, time to send it to internet land and get going with my day.

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