Monday, July 18, 2005

Good weekend

Mood: good
Weather: very sunny - probably hot but I didn't go out there yet

Another busy weekend, but this was busy in a fun, not that exhausting way. My parents are here, I picked them up on Friday night. My Mom has a broken foot, someone in Akito broke it for her (accidentally) and she walked around on it for a week thinking it hurt a little and finally went to get it professionally looked at and got a big fat cast on the entire foot and half her leg. Anyway, since my normal very active Mom was plaster bound and they were flying into the local terminal (3 miles away from the main terminal with only spotty shuttle service) I picked them up and drove them to their rental car 3 miles away. I know, slighty crazy, but I know I saved them at least an hour of waiting around for shuttles.

Anyway, Dads official reason for being here is the National Vet conference in the cities so he went on Sat, acquired a bunch of free swag, and he is back there today. Saturday Mom and I went out sightseeing. Actually first we went to the one store in MN that sells clogging shoes, then we went sight seeing. We drove up route 8 to the Frankonia art park, I had seen it from the road a few times but I thought it was about the size of a large yard but it had cool looking sculpture so we wanted to go. We got there and it ended up being HUGE and mom figured she could get around to a few before her arms got tired. Well we start walking in and someone who sorta looked in charge took one look at Mom's foot and asked how far we expected to get. When Mom answered as far as we can he offered the park golfcart. So we saw the park in style in a sunshade roof golf cart. I'm not sure we would have wanted to walk the entire thing even if we were in perfect shape, it is very big and it was over 95 degrees so the cart let us see everything plus it was fun to drive. The sculpture park itself is awesome. A very good mix of styles and all done by artists that won fellowships to live and work there for a few weeks. They must rotate because I didn't see anything older then 5 or 6 years, but who knows, maybe thats when it started. Anyone in MN should go visit this place, it puts the MN sculpture garden with the big spoon to shame. There is a distinct bohemian art flair about the whole place, even the houses on the property are funky. They look like they are building houses for the guest artists out of 100% recycled material. The one we could get a good look at had lawn signs for siding and spackle buckets cut in half making a Spanish tile style roof.

After we left the art park, we stopped by the buffalo field to watch the herd for a few, the were mostly wallowing in a lake but they are fun to watch. We stopped home then when to visit a sick relative. Dinner was awesome steak and Dad and I stayed up late planning the details of the built in shelves I wanted. Oh, the steak, ok, anyone in the area, come to my house for dinner. I asked Lars to go to the butcher to pick up some meat. He asked 'should I get a bunch' I said 'yes'... I thought he would bring home maybe 6 or 8. He came in with a huge box of meat, I'm not joking, there are at least 4 bundles of 8 kinds of steak, plus 10 pounds of ground beef and some chicken. He told me if I wanted something done in moderation don't send him ;)
He is so cute! It really was a fantastic deal, about $200 for the whole thing but that saved us $100 from buying it individually. So now we have a big full freezer.

Yesterday Dad and I went to buy wood and make my shelves. We used my neighbors shop and it made such a difference to have the huge saw the laughs at measly sheets of plywood. I learned how to use my router and ever joint is routered. The entire thing is tight joints and glue and should last forever. I still have to do the facing and stain it but I'm 500% further then I could have gotten alone.

Today Dad is at the conference and Mom is still asleep. I'm dong work from my laptop but I plan on getting some Pennsic sewing done.

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