Friday, December 22, 2006


3 more hours of work

6 hours before we are at the airport

7 hours before we take off for HOME for Christmas

3 days until Christmas


In the 3 hours of work I have very little I have to do.... I have been a busy bee this week and finished my stuff early.  


In the 3 hours post work, pre airport I need to get Kitty litter and pack our carryons – hopefully I don't forget anything, packing last night was interspersed with folding laundry, cooking dinner, cleaning, chatting with Patti, and watching TV - I realized that I only packed one pair of pants about 11pm and shoved in 2 other pairs immediately before I forgot again.   We also must close up the house and give the cats a massive bowel of food.  I also cleaned out the freezer and fridge of anything that would be tragic should the fridge pick this week to die when we are gone.


I already checked us in for the flight and as of now Lars and I are not sitting together, hopefully someone will switch so we can watch movies but if not I'll just sleep.  


I may not post much over the next few days so MERRY CHIRSTMAS and hope everyone is having a good holiday season.

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